Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weigh

people who do major actions to change their bodies and styles are saying to the world that they are not happy with what they see...........especially if they start putting on the pounds because they are stuffing their emotions with a girl that is going through some major dissatisfaction with her life will be difficult to be friend too....she should seek emotional help before she takes actions or even after these effects have already taken effect

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

you mean if she becomes a dyke? no

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

So sweet but really i have no idea about that.......i think i will if i love her

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

honey who lives you for thatdoesn't dserve you, even if I prefer long hair

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

don`t mind about the hair but the weight would probly be a problem for me if it got excessive i just wouldnt be sexually attracted to her anymore

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

Yes, she is still the same cute girl and can lose the weight and grow her hair (if that was necessary).

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?


Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

Depends on how much time I've spent with the girl, but most likely not (yes I'm a prick, lol).

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?


Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

if he loves you he will. but dont over do it. cutting hair is fine to me. but too much weight is very bad. im sure he has a level of tolerance so try not to push it. but over all a bit of weight and short hair is still ok...

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

i dont understand the whole girls with short hair thing..long hair is hot

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

Yes it 楹搒 the personality that is important!

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

its not about looks,its about love and relationships

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

as long as i love her.

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

honestly, prob. not.

As much as some people think that looks have nothing to do with love and relationships it is the reason your partner looked your way to begin with. I dont think a person would flat out dump them one day but i do think things would fade.... male or female

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

I wish I can give a nice answer so I would sound like a nice, sensitive and loving guy.

Unfortunately, your questions states only one quality about the girl which is cute. I think girls with short hair can be very cute and sassy. But putting on a lot of weight wouldn't be cute.

Sadly, I am going to have to go with No on this one.

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

usually that means you have been with her for awhile and already know how she is inside which is what counts ( i know sounds cheese but soo true) so, you care for her already' and i think short hair is kind of cute anyway'

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

ladies hair is for you the more the better

and fat does not matter

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?

you mean if she becomes a dyke? no

Guys would you stay with a cute girl even if she cuts her hair very short and puts on a lot of weight?


And yes,I would definitely still date a girl,even if she does that.

I mean,you can love the person for her personality,and she can be ugly.Yet,date a mega hottie and she's a major *** and doesn't appreciate you.

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